COVID-19 Updates

October 2022
Now that we are a few weeks into the fall semester, it is not lost on anyone that COVID-19 is still present on our campuses, and remains a constant in our communities. Faculty, staff, and students continue to deal with this pandemic as a daily reality, and we recognize that our members have a diversity of concerns about your continued health and safety at work.
URFA has been working behind the scenes in a variety of ways to advocate for Employer policies that align with the advice of public health experts — including participating in Joint Relations meetings, direct outreach to Employers to clarify their COVID-19 policies, advocating for better communication to the membership, supporting the work of joint health & safety committees, and working directly with individual members who have needed to seek accommodations for medical reasons.
As the weather turns colder and we’re spending more time indoors, we encourage you to keep abreast of the current advice of Saskatchewan’s public health experts by considering masking while indoors and staying up-to-date with your vaccinations. These measures help you protect not only yourself, but those around you.
As always, if you need advice or support seeking a medical accommodation at work related to COVID-19 — or any other matter — please reach out to us at and one of our Member Services Officers will assist you in understanding what your rights and options are.

May 2022
Update from the University of Regina
The University of Regina has fully returned to in-person courses and operations and has lifted all proof of vaccination and testing requirements.
Effective May 1, the University’s indoor masking requirements will remain in place in classrooms, lab and studio spaces, and the University Library – spaces where larger groups are required to meet on a regular basis, generally for an extended period of time. Masks will remain mandatory in these spaces until May 31, at which time the University will reassess based on the latest public health information.
Mask wearing will no longer be required in other indoor spaces as of May 1, but will continue to be encouraged and welcomed in all areas of campus, and the University anticipates many will choose to continue using them. Additionally, masks will continue to be provided as needed on campus.
The University encourages frequent rapid testing, and urges you to stay home if you feel unwell.
Update from the URFA Office
Please note that URFA staff are primarily working remotely.
If you need to visit the URFA office for any reason:
- Please wear a mask
- Sanitize your hands
- Do not visit if you feel unwell
If you have any concerns about COVID-19 protocols on campus, please don’t hesitate to reach out to URFA at

August 19, 2021
At URFA, the safety and health of our members, the students and community around us is extremely important to us. Vaccines are a safe and effective way to protect ourselves and those around us from COVID-19. URFA hopes that everyone who is eligible to receive a vaccine will do so.
Last week, the University of Regina announced that it will be requiring faculty, staff and students to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by October 1, 2021.
Reminder: Employers are required to provide you with paid time off to receive your COVID-19 vaccination. This Special Vaccination Leave was introduced to the government’s Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020 earlier this year.
Should you require a workplace accommodation, we have compiled an FAQ about accommodations. If you have any questions, we are here to support you. Contact us at any time.

March 30, 2021
With new public health orders taking effect yesterday, we know that some URFA members may have questions about balancing remote work and family needs. If you are in this situation you may wish to explore a family status accommodation.
Seeking a family status accommodation is straightforward.
Here’s what you can do:
Speak with your Dean/supervisor about two things:
- Why you are requesting a family status accommodation.
- What you are asking to change.
Your employer has a legal duty to make reasonable changes to your working environment if you encounter barriers or challenges in the workplace, including those related to family status. In the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code, family status is described as being in a parent and child relationship (see p. 4, cS-24.2).
We’re here to help you
If you have any questions or need support, contact the URFA Office and we will be happy to assist you.
Resources related to accommodation
- Seeking a workplace accommodation (URFA)
- Duty to accommodate (Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission)
- Guidelines for working remotely (University of Regina)
- Saskatchewan Human Rights Code, 2018

October 8, 2020
Thank you to all of the members who attended the URFA town hall meeting yesterday. Below is the presentation that was shared with members at yesterday’s meeting.
As always, please reach out to URFA if you have any questions.
Member Town Hall Presentation 2 (2 MB)

August 27, 2020
Thank you to all of the members who attended our town hall meeting yesterday. Below are the Letter of Understanding (LOU) that has been shared with both the U of R and FNUniv Administrations, and the presentation shared with members at yesterday’s meeting. We are still awaiting a response from both administrations, and will keep members updated on their response and next steps.
As always, please reach out to URFA if you have any questions.
Member Town Hall Presentation (620 KB)
URFA/U of R Letter of Understanding (268 KB)
LOU Appendix A- Timeline Changes as a result of COVID-19 (458 KB)

June 19, 2020
University of Regina APT members: Please be aware of the following, regarding your vacation entitlements.
According to article 21.5 of the University of Regina’s collective agreement with APT members, “an APT member may carry over up to 5 days vacation entitlement from one year to the next. With the written permission of the Out-of-Scope Head or Out-of-Scope Designate, additional carry over up to the full amount of the vacation entitlement, may be carried over from one year to the next under special circumstances (emphasis added).
The University has extended the carry-over allotment for this year to 10 days. But this may still be insufficient for some members. URFA’s position is that the COVID-related changes that have occurred since March represent precisely the “special circumstances” envisioned in the collective agreement. If you feel that these circumstances have resulted in your requiring more carry over than the 10 days offered by the University, you should immediately make a written request to your Out-of-Scope Head for permission to carry over as many days as necessary up to the full amount of your entitlement. Should this permission be denied, please contact the URFA office immediately so that appropriate steps may be taken to protect your rights under the collective agreement.

June 1, 2020
A reminder that if you are facing any issues related to the change in the working environment due to COVID-19 to please contact URFA as soon as possible so that we can work towards a resolution in a timely manner.
Draft Letter of Understanding
A draft LOU has been developed and sent to members for feedback. Please submit your feedback as soon as possible for we can move forward with a final version that we can present to University Administration. With the announcement made last month that the fall semester will be taught remotely, we hope to be able to have an LOU in place before the end of the summer. We will continue to update members on the status of the LOU as it develops.
Childcare and Remote Working
Many members have expressed issues with balancing remote working and childcare duties as a result of school and daycare closures. The University of Regina asks faculty and staff to discuss options with their Dean/supervisor, as noted in their Remote Work Guidelines document.
When it comes to childcare and remote working, URFA would like to remind members of the duty to accommodate. Duty to accommodate means that the employer has a legal duty to make reasonable changes to your working environment if you encounter barriers or challenges in the workplace. This includes facing barriers or challenges in the workplace related to family status, as per the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code.
For more information on accommodation, and how to request a workplace accommodation, check out URFA’s “Seeking a Workplace Accommodation” resource.
If you have any questions, please contact the URFA office and a Member Services Officer will be assigned to assist you.

April 13, 2020
URFA has been in contact with the University/Colleges regularly to address some of the questions and concerns that members have raised over the past several weeks. Please find below an update, as well as some important information for specific URFA bargaining units.
A reminder that if you are facing any issues related to the change in the working environment due to COVID-19 to please contact URFA as soon as possible so that we can work towards a resolution in a timely manner.
LOU Drafting Committee
A committee to develop Letters of Understanding between URFA and the University/College Administrations has been formed in order to address issues that have arisen due to the changes that have been made to the working environment as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We will update members on the status of the LOU as it develops.
Fall Semester Remote Teaching and Learning
In discussion with the University of Regina, URFA has been told that no official decision date has been established but June was offered as a possible time for consideration if the fall semester is also to be delivered remotely.
Please see the following information for specific URFA bargaining units:
U of R APT
Delayed Performance Reviews
According to Article 11.2 of the URFA/U of R APT Collective Agreement, the performance review process is set to begin in May. However, the University has requested to delay the performance review process until September. Given the circumstances, URFA is in favour of this decision, and is granting the University approval to do so. Please note that increments will still be granted to members on July 1 as usual, despite the delayed performance review process.
Computers and Technology at Home
The University has informed us that members are welcome to take their desktop home, but if you do so, please let your supervisor know. Other equipment not normally needed for work, or that is a personal preference can be purchased through funds APEA. If you are finding that additional equipment is needed due to the change in working environment, please contact your supervisor regarding the purchase of equipment. However, please remember that the University is obligated to provide you with the equipment you need to do your job. If you are having issues obtaining equipment that is necessary for you to do your job, please contact URFA as soon as possible .
U of R Academic
Tenure Track Timeline Extension
Due to the disruption to the working environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, members who are in tenure-track positions will be granted an additional one year extension, if needed. URFA recommends that you stay on your current timeline if you are able, however, an additional year will be available for those who need it.
All URFA Members
As always, please do not hesitate to contact URFA if you have any questions or concerns regarding changes that have been made to your working environment due to COVID-19, or for any other issues you may be facing.

April 8, 2020
URFA continues to work to ensure that members are being treated fairly during the COVID-19 pandemic and that your collective agreements are upheld. URFA does understand that these are exceptional circumstances, and that changes to the way the Universities and Colleges operate will have to be made on a temporary basis. However, they still must maintain the obligations that they have to you as an employer as laid out in your collective agreements.
URFA is currently working on an MOU with the employers in order to address some of these issues and more so that there is a clear set of guidelines in place during this time. The URFA Executive has formed a team with members across bargaining units to work on the development of an MOU. URFA is open to having a dialogue with the Administrations of the U of R, FNUniv, Campion and Luther as to what their plans are moving forward. We will update members as we continue to work on developing any MOU with the employers, and if there is any other information moving forward.
We continue to receive feedback from members related to the changes that have been made to the working environment. URFA strongly encourages all members to contact us if you have any questions, concerns, and issues related to COVID-19, as well as any other usual inquiries. The URFA office is working remotely, but we are still able to assist you.

March 25, 2020
At the start of the semester, I think I can say without much hesitation that nobody expected this. I would even guess that at the start of this month, nobody would have imagined that the Winter 2020 semester would end in this way- a shuttered campus, a rush to move all courses online, cancelling spring convocation and plans to teach spring and summer courses online as well.
The COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented. Faculty Associations and labour unions across the country are working hard to ensure that their members are being treated fairly as employers react to the circumstances. URFA is doing the same and we are working, as we do every day, to ensure that your collective agreements are upheld. URFA does understand that these are exceptional circumstances, and that changes to the way the Universities and Colleges operate will have to be made on a temporary basis. However, they still must maintain the obligations that they have to you as an employer as laid out in your collective agreements.
Over the past week we’ve heard concerns from members resulting from the change in working environment and the transition to online course instruction. Below are some of the concerns we’ve heard over the past week, what we’re doing about them, and how you as an URFA member can help.
What We’ve Heard
- Issues with APT members and increased workload.
- Academic members including sessionals facing increased workloads while transitioning to online courses for the remainder of the semester.
- Academic members concerned about the University’s decision to move courses online for the spring and summer semesters, and the University providing adequate resources to do so.
- Academic members concerned about tenure timelines.
- Issues with some faculties continuing with student teaching evaluations despite a dramatic change in the working and teaching environment.
What We’re Doing to Address These Concerns
URFA is currently exploring working on an MOU with the employers in order to address some of these issues and more so that there is a clear set of guidelines in place during this time. URFA is open to having a dialogue with the Administrations as to what their plans are moving forward. We will update members as we continue to work on developing any MOU with the employers.
APT Members (U of R, FNUniv)
Please make sure you are tracking your hours if you are working in excess of normal working hours. If the change in the working environment has required you to do work that is outside of your JEQ, and it has not been addressed by your direct supervisor, please contact URFA as soon as possible.
Academic Members (U of R Academic, Campion, Luther, FNUniv Academic)
Please make sure that you have and are currently tracking the number of hours required to move your courses online. URFA is here to ensure that you are being provided the time and resources that you need, and that you do not suffer any adverse consequences if you encounter any difficulties in doing so.
The University has announced that courses for the spring and summer semesters are being moved entirely to remote teaching and learning. We understand that members are concerned about this decision and a lack of consultation from the employers. URFA’s primary concern is the health and safety of our members, and there is no indication that the COVID-19 pandemic will be over any time soon. The Universities/Colleges have a duty to ensure that adequate resources are provided to support members during this transition, and URFA is here to ensure that they do so.
Members have expressed concerns about how tenure timelines will be affected. If members are able to apply for tenure, we recommend that you stick to the timeline as outlined in your collective agreement. If the changes to the working environment is affecting your ability to apply for tenure, please contact the URFA Office as soon as possible. URFA is exploring an MOU that would potentially allow for flexibility in these timelines.
While some faculties have suspended student evaluations of teaching for the semester, others have indicated that they are moving ahead with them anyway despite the massive disruption that has occurred to the student’s learning environment. It is URFAs position that the only thing that can be measured this term is the student’s satisfaction with the University/College’s ability to transition to online learning. Members’ ability to move courses online, and the student’s satisfaction with instruction, can simply not be evaluated due to these exceptional circumstances and members should not suffer any consequences from a negative evaluation received in this semester.
Sessional Members (U of R Academic, Campion, Luther, FNUniv Sessionals)
Sessional members should continue to track their hours when working to put their courses online.
URFA is here to ensure that you are being provided the time and resources that you need, and that you do not suffer any adverse consequences if you encounter any difficulties in doing so.
How you can help
URFA is asking all members to please contact us if you are having any concerns or issues related to COVID-19 and the changes made to the working and teaching environment. It is vital that we are aware of any problems so that we can work to resolve them as soon as possible.
This is a stressful time, and your colleagues may be having difficulty adjusting to the significant changes made to their working environment over the past week while also working to care for their families and stay healthy. Remember to be respectful and patient, and check in on your colleagues via email, text, Zoom, or other forms of remote communication.
Always here for you
Even though most of us may be apart and working off campus, we are still the collective voice of over 1,600 URFA members. Together, we are stronger, and can work to make sure that every member is treated fairly and equitably.
The URFA office is working remotely, but we are still available to assist you with questions, concerns and issues related to COVID-19 as well as any other usual inquiries. However, please note that as a result, member inquiries may not be responded to immediately, and all intakes will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
As I mentioned before, this is an unprecedented situation, and it remains unclear how long this situation may last. In order to help begin the process of returning to normal, please keep working to maintain social distancing practices, and stay home as often as you are able to do your part in stopping the spread of this virus.
And lastly, a huge thank you to everyone for their hard work during these difficult times. Our institutions simply could not function without you.
Stay healthy and stay safe,
Sylvain Rheault
URFA President

March 18, 2020
URFA continues to closely monitor the situation regarding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and the changes that are being made that affect the working environment of URFA members.
Yesterday, the University of Regina sent out guidelines for working remotely. URFA encourages U of R and FNUniv APT members to speak with your direct supervisor to arrange working remotely. If you have any questions or concerns about your ability to work remotely, please contact the URFA office as soon as possible. The U of R’s guidelines for working remotely, including for those who have child care obligations, can be found here.
For members who are remaining on campus, please remember to abide by social disatancing practices. As a reminder, all URFA members have the right to refuse to work in conditions that are deemed to be unsafe. If you have any questions about refusing unsafe work, please contact the URFA Office.
As well, if any APT members are notified of any reduction in work hours that affect your salary, pension and benefits, please notify the URFA office as soon as possible.
URFA staff are currently working remotely, however, we are still working hard to serve all members during this time. As always, if you have any questions or concerns regarding changes to your working environment due to COVID-19, or anything else, please contact us and we will assist you.

March 16, 2020
URFA continues to closely monitor the situation regarding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) as the University of Regina, Campion and Luther Colleges, and First Nations University of Canada (FNUniv) have all made significant operational changes that affect the day-to-day working environment of URFA members.
The URFA President and URFA Executive Director met with University of Regina Administration on Sunday, and were briefed on the University’s decision to cancel classes and move courses online for the remainder of the semester. URFA supports this decision, as the health and safety of the university community must be the highest priority.
This is a challenging time. There have been many emails and communications from the employer, and we understand that you may have questions. Below, URFA has some information for members as we all do our best to adjust to a new working situation.
Most importantly, we want to hear from you. If you are facing any issues related to the operational changes that have been made due to COVID-19, please contact the URFA office at .
Academic Members (U of R, Campion, Luther, FNUniv)
URFA understands that members are feeling pressured to move courses online. URFA is here to ensure that you are being provided the time and resources that you need, and that you do not suffer any adverse consequences if you encounter any difficulties in doing so.
You should also consider the amount of time needed to move courses online. You are not expected to monitor emails and respond to requests outside of normal working hours.
Academic members have been told to work remotely and we strongly encourage you to do so.
APT Members (U of R, FNUniv)
APT members should track their hours if you are working in excess of normally scheduled working hours.
URFA understands that the University of Regina is looking at opportunities for members to work remotely “where possible.” We encourage APT members at both the U of R and FNUniv to speak with your direct supervisor to arrange possibilities for working remotely. If you have any questions or concerns about your ability to work remotely, please contact URFA as soon as possible.
All URFA members have the right to refuse to work in conditions that are deemed to be unsafe. If you have any questions about refusing unsafe work, please contact the URFA Office.
Sessional Members (U of R, FNUniv)
Sessional members should track their hours when working to put their courses online. As far as URFA understands, Sessional contracts will be honoured and your income should not be affected by any policy changes regarding course delivery.
Academic members including sessionals have been told they are free to work remotely and we strongly encourage you to do so.
URFA Office Operations
URFA staff are currently transitioning to working remotely. As a result, member inquiries may not be responded to immediately, and all intakes will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. The URFA Executive Director will remain in the office, however, it is asked that members please refrain from arriving at the office unless you have made previous arrangements to do so. The best way to contact URFA is by email at
Member Questions and Concerns
As mentioned, we want to hear from you if you have any questions or concerns about issues you are facing during this time so that we can raise them with the Administration and work to resolve them. Please do not hesitate to contact us at

March 13, 2020
While the risk to Canadians remains low, URFA is closely monitoring the responses of our employers to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), and any changes the University/College Administrations may choose to make in the coming days and weeks that could affect the day-to-day working environment of URFA members.
URFA reminds all members that as employers, the University of Regina, Campion and Luther Colleges and First Nations University of Canada are all legally obligated to ensure the health and safety of its employees. All URFA members have the right to refuse to work in conditions that are deemed to be unsafe. If you have any questions about refusing unsafe work, please contact the URFA Office and we will assist you.
The URFA Office remains open at its regular hours. Member Services Officers are available to assist you with any workplace issues, and URFA Committee meetings are still being held as scheduled. Should there be any changes to URFA office operations, members will be notified.
We understand that this can be a challenging time. URFA encourages members to remain calm, practice good hygiene, and stay home if you are sick. Members who are eligible to receive benefits from the employer also have access to counselling and other resources from your employee family assistance program. If you do not have access to an assistance program, all URFA Member Services Officers are trained to provide mental health first aid and are able to assist you.
Please do not hesitate to contact the URFA Office if you have any questions or concerns.
Links and Resources
University of Regina Updates (includes Campion College and Luther College)
Government of Saskatchewan Updates
Government of Canada Updates