Arbitration results regarding Add One/Drop One clause
Following the ratification of the 2017-2021 Collective Agreement between University of Regina Academic Staff Members and the University of Regina, URFA filed a policy grievance. URFA held that the negotiated agreement about the Add One/Drop One provision would result in a salary increase for all employees, not just those at the top and bottom of the pay grid. This was the topic of the grievance that went to arbitration in October and November 2020. Following arbitration, the grievance has been denied.
Jazz up your Zoom background with a custom URFA design
A variety of custom URFA Zoom backgrounds for your use while you're connecting with others virtually.
The Latest issue of URFA Update is now available!
The Latest issue of URFA Update is now available!
URFA statement of solidarity with Alberta Faculty Associations
URFA stands in solidarity with Faculty Associations and the labour movement in Alberta, who are facing attacks from the United Conservative Party Government (UCP) including massive cuts to post secondary education and draconian labour legislation that limits the ability of unions to organize and advocate on behalf of their members.
A new reality: URFA members share experiences working from home
Since the middle of March, the majority of URFA members have been working from their homes in makeshift offices.
Tentative agreement reached for Luther Academic members
The URFA Negotiating Committee is pleased to announce that a tentative agreement has been reached with Luther College Administration.
URFA members show "incredible effort" during COVID-19 pandemic
It has been an astonishing spring for all of us.
Results- URFA Executive Elections
Results of the 2020 URFA Executive elections.
URFA/URSU joint letter in support of international students during COVID-19 pandemic
URFA/URSU joint letter in support of international students during COVID-19 pandemic
Black Lives Matter
URFA stands in solidarity with the Black community and the demands for justice in the United States and in Canada.