Second call for volunteers for URFA Committees and Joint University Committees!
Want to make a difference on campus by getting more involved with URFA? Here's your chance. Although our annual call for volunteers closed on March 1, 2022, there are still several vacancies where members can step up as volunteers.
Attend the 2022 CLC/SFL Spring School!
The Canadian Labour Congress and the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour are hosting their annual CLC/SFL Spring School from May 2–6, 2022.
For 2022, URFA has funding to send one member to a virtual course. This year's virtual course offerings are: Mental Health in the Workplace, Labour Community Advocate, and Member Engagement/Member Action.
Call for Nominations — Grievance Committee
A call for nominations has been sent to members via email for Grievance Committee elections. If you would like to join URFA's Grievance Committee, please ensure your nomination is received by our office no later than March 31, 2022, at 4:30 p.m.
URFA sends $1500 to striking & locked out academic workers across Canada
This week, in a gesture of solidarity, the URFA Executive Committee has voted to donate $500 each to three striking and locked out faculty associations.
We need your voice on the Council of Representatives!
We are looking for volunteers to fill several vacancies on the URFA Council of Representatives. Make sure your constituency is represented by volunteering today!
Q&A with Youngsoo Kim, URFA Treasurer
What prompted URFA Treasurer Youngsoo Kim to join serve in this position? How do the roles and responsibilities of URFA’s Treasurer connect with bargaining and potential job action? What are the top three things that he enjoys about his position as associate professor of finance at the University of Regina? Find out in this Q&A.
An Open Letter to the Presidents at the University of Regina and the Federated Colleges
Throughout the pandemic, URFA has been advocating for safe working conditions for URFA members. As potential for some or increased return to campus is being explored, URFA's Equity Committee and President have issued an open letter to the presidents at the University of Regina and the Federated Colleges to raise ongoing equity concerns with requirements to being on campus.
Panel Discussion: In Search of Professor Precarious
In October 2021, URFA's Sessional Advocacy Committee hosted a screening of the documentary film "In Search of Professor Precarious", followed by a rich panel discussion. Participants heard about the opportunities and challenges found in sessional employment, shared encouragement, and left with ideas of how to stand in solidarity with sessional faculty.
Standing together with University of Manitoba Faculty Association members
URFA stands in solidarity with the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) who is seeking a fair deal for its 1200-plus members. UMFA has been negotiating to achieve an agreement that prioritizes recruiting and retaining faculty. Having reached an impasse in negotiations, UMFA members began striking on November 2.
Q&A with Claire Carter, URFA Equity Committee Chair
A foundation in student activism, positive connections with colleagues at the University of Regina, and an interest in learning more about how URFA works led Claire Carter to join URFA’s Equity Committee about eight years ago. The associate professor in the Department of Gender, Religion and Critical Studies is now in the third year of chairing URFA’s Equity Committee. Find out what’s been a highlight for her and learn about her teaching and research.