Tentative Agreement Reached for U of R APT
After several months of negotiations, the University of Regina APT Bargaining Committee has reached a tentative agreement with the employer.
Build Our Union Together — Volunteer Today!
Want to make a difference on campus by getting more involved with URFA? Here's your chance.
Celebrating You on Labour Day
A Labour Day message from URFA President Britt Hall, with an invite to the Regina Labour Day Picnic.
SFL Convention — Call for Delegates
URFA is looking for four members to represent our union at the upcoming Speaking Out! 66th Annual SFL Convention — and we want you to be one of them!
Know a teen who cares about social justice? SFL Summer Camp
URFA is sending one teen to the SFL week-long Summer Camp 2022, registration paid!
Two Ways to Celebrate Pride with URFA!
To mark the start of Pride Month, we are excited to invite you to celebrate with URFA in two ways — by joining us at the Queen City Pride Parade and by using a Pride Background on Zoom!
Dr. Britt Hall Re-Elected President of URFA & Other Election Results
Democracy is fundamental to our union and URFA extends a big thank you to everyone who cast their ballot in our Executive Officer and Trustee elections this past week. We are excited to confirm that Dr. Britt Hall has been re-elected as President of URFA for a term of two years...
Attend the Prairie School for Union Women!
The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour is hosting their annual Prairie School for Union Women from June 13-16, 2022. For 2022, URFA has funding to send two women members to a virtual course. This year’s virtual course offerings are: Building Inclusive Locals That Prioritize Human Rights, Women's Health & Safety in the Workplace, and A Journey to Empower Women.
Meet the Candidates
Meet your candidates for URFA's Executive Officer and Trustee elections! Here are the bios for Dr. Britt Hall, Dr. Youngsoo Kim, and Jan-Paul Venter.
Second call for volunteers for URFA Committees and Joint University Committees!
Want to make a difference on campus by getting more involved with URFA? Here's your chance. Although our annual call for volunteers closed on March 1, 2022, there are still several vacancies where members can step up as volunteers.