URFA Supports Orange Shirt Day 2019
URFA is once again joining other unions, Indigenous communities, governments and communities to recognize orange shirt day this Monday, September 30. We ask URFA members to please join us in remembering those who were and continue to be impacted by the residential school system here in Saskatchewan and across Canada.
Sessional Professional Development Fund Applications due by Dec. 1
A new provision was negotiated in the URFA U of R Academic Collective Agreement (Section 4.2, Appendix A, Section 4.2, Page 138) creating an annual fund of $12,000 to assist U of R Sessional Academic Staff who have priority status with costs associated with creative, scholarly, or professional works.
Collective Bargaining Updates, Fall 2019
Currently, there are four collective agreements that have expired or will expire later this year.The agreements for Campion andLuther Colleges, and FNUniv Academic units have expired, and theFNUniv Sessional agreement expires at the end of this year.
Sessional Advocacy Committee Update, Fall 2019
The Sessional Advocacy Committee (SAC) meets bi-monthlyto discuss means through whichwe can inform, encourage andadvocate for fellow Sessionals inrelation to the interpretation andimplementation of our respectiveCollective Agreements.
Equity Committee Update, Fall 2019
The Equity Committee has beenmeeting regularly and working onnumerous initiatives and issues.Our current membership includesa diverse group of equity-seekingmembers from across faculties,campuses, and bargaining units.The Equity Committee is alwayswelcoming new members!