Council of Representatives — Call for Nominations

Help us build con­nec­tions between URFA mem­bers by join­ing the Coun­cil of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives (COR)! Nom­i­na­tions are now open.

The Coun­cil of Representatives:

  • pro­vides pol­i­cy advice and rec­om­men­da­tions to the Exec­u­tive Committee
  • is com­prised of mem­bers from var­i­ous areas at Cam­pi­on Col­lege, First Nations Uni­ver­si­ty of Cana­da, Luther Col­lege and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Regina
  • meets four times per year
  • COR mem­bers are elect­ed for two-year terms (unless oth­er­wise indicated)
  • all terms begin on May 1

Nom­i­na­tion pack­ages for COR elec­tions were dis­trib­uted to mem­bers via email on Jan­u­ary 5, 2023. You are enti­tled to nom­i­nate and vote for COR mem­bers only with­in your own constituency.

A list of open posi­tions is pro­vid­ed below. If you have not received a nom­i­na­tion pack­age and would like one, please con­tact URFA at urfa@​uregina.​ca.

Dead­line: Nom­i­na­tion Forms must be received by URFA email at urfa@​uregina.​ca no lat­er than 4:30 p.m. Wednes­day, Feb­ru­ary 12023

Nom­i­na­tion Form

Download the full call for nominations here (144 KB)

Download the nomination form (fillable) here (103 KB)

Download the nomination form (printable) here (101 KB)

Open Posi­tions

Eligible Nominees
Vacancies (Commence May 1)
Constituency A1 Faculty of Arts
Academic Staff employed by U of R in the positions of Prof., Assoc. Prof, Assis Prof, Lect or Instruc.
Two Delegates 2-year term
Constituency A2 Faculty of Business Administration
Academic Staff employed by U of R in the positions of Prof., Assoc. Prof, Assis Prof, Lect or Instruc.
One Delegate – 2-year term One Alternate 2-year term
Constituency A3 CCE/ESL
Academic Staff employed by U of R in the positions of Prof., Assoc. Prof, Assis Prof, Lect or Instruc.
One Delegate – 2-year term One Alternate 2-year term
Constituency A4 Faculty of Education
Academic Staff employed by U of R in the positions of Prof., Assoc. Prof, Assis Prof, Lect or Instruc.
One Delegate 1-year term One Alternate 1-year term
Constituency A5 Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science
Academic Staff employed by U of R in the positions of Prof., Assoc. Prof, Assis Prof, Lect or Instruc.
One Delegate 2-year term One Alternate 2-year term
Constituency A6 Faculty of MAP
Academic Staff employed by U of R in the positions of Prof., Assoc. Prof, Assis Prof, Lect or Instruc.
One Delegate 1-year term One Alternate 1-year term
Constituency A7 Faculty of JSGSPP
Academic Staff employed by U of R in the positions of Prof., Assoc. Prof, Assis Prof, Lect or Instruc.
One Delegate 1-year term One Alternate 1-year term
Constituency A9 Faculty of Nursing
Academic Staff employed by U of R in the positions of Prof., Assoc. Prof, Assis Prof, Lect or Instruc.
One Delegate 2-year term One Alternate 2-year term
Constituency A10 Faculty of Science
Academic Staff employed by U of R in the positions of Prof., Assoc. Prof, Assis Prof, Lect or Instruc.
One Delegate 1-year term One Delegate 2-year term
Constituency A11 Faculty of Social Work
Academic Staff employed by U of R in the positions of Prof., Assoc. Prof, Assis Prof, Lect or Instruc.
One Delegate 2-year term
Constituency A12 La Cité
Academic Staff employed by U of R in the positions of Prof., Assoc. Prof, Assis Prof, Lect or Instruc.
One Delegate 1-year term One Alternate 1-year term
Constituency C Lab/Clinical Instructors
Lab/Clinical Instructors employed by the University of Regina in the positions of Lab/Clinical Instructor I, Lab/Clinical Instructor II, or Lab/Clinical Instructor III
One Delegate 2-year term One Alternate 2-year term
Constituency D1 Campion College
Academic staff, librarians and archivists employed by Campion College
One Delegate 2-year term One Alternate 2-year term
Constituency D2 Luther College
Academic staff, librarians and archivists employed by Luther College
One Delegate 1-year term One Alternate 1-year term
Constituency D3 FNUniv Academic
Academic Staff employed by the FNUniv in the positions of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Instructor, Lab Instructor or Librarian
One Delegate 2-year term One Alternate 2-year term
Constituency E APT
Administrative, professional and technical employees of the U of R
Two Delegates 2-year term Three Delegates – 1-year term
Constituency F FNUniv APT
Administrative, professional and technical employees of FNUniv
One Delegate 2-year term
Constituency G Sessionals
Sessional lecturers, sessional ESL instructors, sessional practicum coordinators, sessional supervisors, sessional practica coaches and sessional laboratory instructors employed by U of R, Campion, Luther, and/or FNUniv
Two Delegates 2-year term