Collective Bargaining Updates, Fall 2019

Cur­rent­ly, there are four col­lec­tive agree­ments that have expired or will expire lat­er this year. The agree­ments for Cam­pi­on and Luther Col­leges, and FNUniv Aca­d­e­m­ic units have expired, and the FNUniv Ses­sion­al agree­ment expires at the end of this year. Below is a short update on negotiations:

Cam­pi­on Col­lege Academic

A Bar­gain­ing Com­mit­tee has been formed and is cur­rent­ly work­ing with URFA to draft pro­pos­als and pre­pare for nego­ti­a­tions lat­er this fall. In August, mem­bers of the Cam­pi­on bar­gain­ing com­mit­tee were able to attend the CAUT Bar­gain­ing train­ing ses­sion on cam­pus to prac­tice nego­ti­a­tion skills.

Luther Col­lege Academic

A bar­gain­ing com­mit­tee has formed, and a mem­ber­ship meet­ing will be held in ear­ly fall to dis­cuss bar­gain­ing pri­or­i­ties. The bar­gain­ing com­mit­tee will then work with URFA to pre­pare for nego­ti­a­tions lat­er this year.

FNUniv Aca­d­e­m­ic

A call for vol­un­teers for the Bar­gain­ing Com­mit­tee was sent out ear­li­er this year, and a com­mit­tee has been formed. A bar­gain­ing pri­or­i­ties sur­vey for FNUniv Aca­d­e­m­ic mem­bers was sent out ear­li­er this spring.

For nego­ti­a­tions, the com­mit­tee intends to work with the employ­er using an inter­est-based mod­el. This mod­el of nego­ti­at­ing was suc­cess­ful­ly used dur­ing FNUniv Ses­sion­al Aca­d­e­m­ic Staff Mem­ber nego­ti­a­tions and last year’s FNUniv APT nego­ti­a­tions. The two par­ties nego­ti­at­ed through the assis­tance of a facilitator

pro­vid­ed through the Min­istry of Labour to come to agree­ment on non-mon­e­tary arti­cles. When nego­ti­a­tions moved to mon­e­tary arti­cles, the par­ties returned to a more posi­tion­al bar­gain­ing for­mat. Nego­ti­a­tions for FNUniv Aca­d­e­m­ic are expect­ed to begin this fall.

FNUniv Ses­sion­als

The FNUniv Ses­sion­al con­tract expires at the end of 2019. A Bar­gain­ing Com­mit­tee has been formed, and a bar­gain­ing pri­or­i­ties sur­vey was sent to mem­bers in the spring. Mem­ber­ship meet­ings will occur lat­er in the year as the com­mit­tee and URFA pre­pare for nego­ti­a­tions as ear­ly as this year.