URFA President's Town Hall — Community Action!

You’re invited to join us for the last URFA President’s Town Hall before the term ends on the topic of Community Action!
Our agenda for this town hall will feature discussions on:
➡️ the Saskatchewan labour movement’s political and community organizing priorities (with special guests from the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour)
➡️ fighting back against right-wing attacks on academia in the prairies (with an update from the Western Regional Conference)
➡️ building stronger alliances with the student movement (with an update on URFA’s participation in URSU campaigns)
What: URFA President’s Town Hall — Community Action
When: Wednesday November 15 at 1:00 p.m.
Where: Zoom
Click here to register for this town hall.
Note: This town hall is for URFA members only. Please ensure your Zoom account lists your full name when you log in, to ensure we can confirm your membership and admit you to the event.