Trading Places — Workshop on Internal Recruitment (U of R APT)

April 22, 2025

2:00pm, Zoom

Have you ever applied for a new job with­in the uni­ver­si­ty? Have you got­ten it or not got­ten it? Did it go smooth­ly or were there prob­lems with the process? We want to hear your experiences!

You are invit­ed to Trad­ing Places: A Work­shop on Inter­nal Recruit­ment for Uni­ver­si­ty of Regi­na APT members.

This work­shop will include:

  • A short pre­sen­ta­tion on the cur­rent col­lec­tive agree­ment lan­guage that explains how inter­nal recruit­ment should work
  • A dis­cus­sion about com­mon issues faced in prac­tice and how the union han­dles them
  • An open dis­cus­sion on your expe­ri­ences apply­ing for new jobs with­in the uni­ver­si­ty, and any bar­ri­ers or chal­lenges you’ve faced
  • An oppor­tu­ni­ty to sug­gest improve­ments to the cur­rent col­lec­tive agree­ment language
  • A ques­tion & answer period

This work­shop will be held on Tues­day April 22, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. via Zoom

Reg­is­ter here.

As your union, we work to nego­ti­ate and improve your expe­ri­ences with inter­nal recruit­ment. We hope you can join us for this impor­tant workshop.

If you have any ques­tions about this event, please con­tact me at urfa@​uregina.​ca.