Trading Places — Workshop on Internal Recruitment (U of R APT)

Have you ever applied for a new job within the university? Have you gotten it or not gotten it? Did it go smoothly or were there problems with the process? We want to hear your experiences!
You are invited to Trading Places: A Workshop on Internal Recruitment for University of Regina APT members.
This workshop will include:
- A short presentation on the current collective agreement language that explains how internal recruitment should work
- A discussion about common issues faced in practice and how the union handles them
- An open discussion on your experiences applying for new jobs within the university, and any barriers or challenges you’ve faced
- An opportunity to suggest improvements to the current collective agreement language
- A question & answer period
This workshop will be held on Tuesday April 22, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. via Zoom
As your union, we work to negotiate and improve your experiences with internal recruitment. We hope you can join us for this important workshop.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact me at