Member Mobilization Committee Virtual Tabling

November 17, 2021

1:00pm– 2:00pm, Zoom

On the left is a graphic of a computer screen that is split in two. Each side has a graphic of a person, representing a virtual meeting. On the right text says, "Member Mobilization Committee Virtual Tabling." URFA logo bottom right.

URFA mem­bers from all bar­gain­ing units are wel­come to drop in to this vir­tu­al zoom table, host­ed by mem­bers of URFA’s Mem­ber Mobi­liza­tion Com­mit­tee. Vir­tu­al tables are infor­mal ses­sions that pro­vide an oppor­tu­ni­ty for indi­vid­u­als to ask ques­tions that per­tain to their work­place, URFA com­mit­tee work or chat with some of your col­leagues. Ses­sions will not be recorded.

Use this Zoom link to join the vir­tu­al table.