URFA Meet & Greet

The new term is almost upon us — and you’re invited to kick it off with URFA!
Join us on Wednesday September 11 from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. at The Owl (U of R) for an URFA Meet & Greet.
This is your opportunity to connect with URFA’s president and leadership, meet members of committees who work on your behalf, and build community with your fellow union members.
All members are welcome, whether you have been an URFA member for a month or a decade! Food will be provided and drinks are available for purchase.
This event is come-and-go, and while no RSVP is strictly required, we would appreciate you letting us know if you plan to come so that we can order enough food for everyone. RSVP by emailing urfa@uregina.ca.
Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements (i.e. vegetarian, gluten free) so that we can make sure to accommodate you in our food order.
We hope to see you there!