Fall General Membership Meeting
This is one of URFA’s two biannual all-member meetings. All members are invited and welcome to participate.
Meeting agenda, details, and registration will be available prior to the meeting.
Register for this meeting here.
Do you have a motion you would like to propose for this meeting?
If so, please send your proposed motion by email to the URFA Bylaws & Resolutions Committee at urfa@uregina.ca no later than 4:30 p.m. on September 23.
Upon receiving your motion, the Bylaws & Resolutions Committee will review it for alignment with our Constitution and Bylaws and if the motion complies, it will be added to the meeting agenda.
Motions must have a mover and seconder. The mover and seconder should each submit the motion by email indicating they are either the mover or seconder.