Demystifying the JEQ Process — Webinar for U of R APT Members

You are invited to Demystifying the JEQ Process, an educational webinar for U of R APT members of URFA. This webinar will take place on Thursday November 2 from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
This webinar is hosted by the APT Advocacy Committee in response to questions we’ve been hearing from members who want to better understand the Job Evaluation Questionnaire (JEQ) process. We have put together a diverse panel of speakers to bring multiple perspectives to this topic.
This webinar will feature:
- Tricia van Hardeveld (U of R, HR)
- Heather Ritenburg (URFA Executive Director)
- Kevin Fiessel (URFA Member on the Joint Classification Evaluation Committee)
- Billy Heaman (URFA Member on the Joint Classification Appeals Committee)
If you have a question you’d like to submit to the panel in advance, please email it to and our moderator can ask it anonymously during the webinar.
There will also be time for a live Q&A about the process, however we will not be able to discuss specific member concerns at this webinar. If you have specific concerns about your role, please email and a Member Services Officer can discuss the details directly with you.
We hope to see you there!