APT Coffee Break

June 25, 2024

10:00am, Zoom

You’re invit­ed for a vir­tu­al cof­fee break with URFA’s APT Advo­ca­cy Com­mit­tee!

This June, the APT Advo­ca­cy Com­mit­tee is host­ing two cof­fee breaks for URFA’s APT mem­bers at the First Nations Uni­ver­si­ty of Cana­da and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Regi­na.

At these cof­fee breaks, you will:

  • meet the APT Advo­ca­cy Committee
  • learn about our work and our upcom­ing edu­ca­tion­al workshops
  • have a chance to con­nect with APT mem­bers from oth­er areas

Click here to join the cof­fee break!