Terms of Reference
University of Regina Faculty Association
Standing Committees
APT Advocacy Committee — represents the interests of all APT members at First Nations University of Canada and the University of Regina, including the satellite campuses.
Executive Committee — manages the affairs and business of the Association.
Council of Representatives Committee - provides policy advice and recommendations to the Executive Committee for the benefit of the Association.
Equity Committee — represents the interests of equity seeking groups at Campion College, First Nations University of Canada, Luther College and the University of Regina, including but not limited to: Indigenous people, people from racialized groups and ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities, women, as well as gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender, and two-spirited persons.
Finance Committee — is responsible for advising URFA Executive Committee on financial matters concerning URFA.
Grievance Committee — functions to ensure that the provisions of the URFA collective agreements are maintained and that all members of the Association are treated according to the principles of natural justice.
Pension and Benefits Committee — provides advice and recommendations to the URFA Executive concerning all matters related to benefit provisions, of the collective agreements, and any proposed revisions or extensions of them, plus policies and proposals related to mandatory and early retirement
Sessional Advocacy Committee — advocates on behalf of the sessionals at Campion College, First Nations University of Canada, Luther College, and University of Regina.
Trust Fund Committee - administering of the URFA Trust Fund. The terms of reference are being developed by the committee.
Bylaws and Resolution Committee — the terms of reference will be drafted in the near future.
Joint University Committees
First Nations University of Canada
Pension and Benefits Committee — a joint committee of volunteer URFA academic and APT representatives and members of the First Nations University administration that advises the membership and Senior Management on matters relating to the pension and benefits plans.
University of Regina
Academic and Administrative Benefits Committee — a joint committee of volunteer URFA academic and APT representatives and members of the University of Regina administration responsible for the terms and administration of the Academic and Administrative Pension Plan, the Group Insurance Plan, the Salary Continuance Plan, the Dental Plan and any other similar plans which may be established and placed under the aegis of the Committee by the University Board.
Academic Market Supplements Committee — a joint committee of volunteer URFA academic representatives and members of the University of Regina administration which was established to review market supplement proposals.
APT Market Supplements Committee — a joint committee of volunteer URFA APT representatives and members of the University of Regina administration which was established to review market supplement proposals.
Employment Equity Consultative Committee — a joint committee of volunteer URFA Academic and APT representatives and members of the University of Regina administration whose over arching goal is to proactively move the University of Regina towards becoming a representative and diverse workforce.
Instructional and Information Technology Committee — a joint committee of volunteer URFA Academic representatives and members of the University of Regina administration to study and make recommendations concerning the application and use of Instructional and Information Technology in teaching and implications for duties and workloads of members.
Occupational Health and Safety College Avenue Campus Committee — a joint committee of volunteer URFA Academic and APT representatives and members of the University of Regina administration that oversees the University of regina Safety Policy 20.105.
Occupational Health and Safety Main Committee — a joint committee of volunteer URFA Academic and APT representatives and members of the University of Regina administration that has been established to assist the University of Regina in meeting the requirements under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and RegulationsI and all applicable Provincial and Federal legislation and Municipal by-laws.
Parking Committee — a joint committee of volunteer URFA Academic and APT representatives and members of the University of Regina administration that has been established to attempt to ensure the University of Regina Parking Ancillary provides the best possible parking service to students, faculty, staff and guests of the University of Regina.