Campion College (Academic)
The University of Regina Faculty Association (URFA) is the certified bargaining agent for Campion College full- and part-time academic employees.
Campion College is a federated liberal arts college offering courses in the humanities, social sciences, and fine arts. It is a Roman Catholic College administered by the Jesuit Fathers of Saskatchewan and its board of regents.
The academic staff at Campion College was certified in January 1977, naming the University of Regina Faculty Association as its exclusive bargaining agent. Faculty, librarians, laboratory instructors, instructors and sessionals at Campion College are represented by the Campion College collective agreement.
Currently, URFA represents approximately 25 members at Campion College.
Collective Agreement
Your collective agreement is the written contract that outlines many of the terms and conditions of your employer as a member of the bargaining unit. The terms and conditions of the agreement are reached through collective bargaining between URFA and the Campion College.
Please note that the documents posted online are not legally binding. Errors of commission and omission excepted.
2021-2027 Collective Agreement (2 MB)
2017-2021 Collective Agreement (1 MB)
2014-2017 Collective Agreement (543 KB)
2011-2014 Collective Agreement (815 KB)
Bargaining Updates
Bargaining updates are available in the member area on this website. If you require assistance logging in, contact us and we’ll be happy to help.
Criteria Document
Campion College Criteria Document- Updated May, 2019 (168 KB)
Important Dates
Summarized from Articles 17 and 18 of your collective agreement.
Performance Reviews
Academic Year
Review Year
Deadline for academic staff members with term or tenured appointments to submit Annual Information Forms and supporting documentation
Deadline for academic staff members with tenure-track appointments to be informed concerning renewal of appointment or granting of tenure
Deadline for academic staff to be informed about granting of CGIs, merit increments and promotion
Decision on career progress takes effect
CGIs awarded to academic staff members not being reviewed
Deadline for the Dean or equivalent to inform academic staff members not normally due to be reviewed that they are being reviewed
Deadline for academic staff members to file notice of appeal with the President of URFA
Deadline to apply for tenure, promotion and/or to submit intention to apply for merit, and provide supporting documentation (submitted to the Dean)
Deadline to submit three referees for academic staff members applying for promotion to Professor or Librarian IV, or applying to be considered for tenure
Deadline for academic staff members not due for a performance review to request one
Deadline for academic staff members on leave to request a review
Deadline for academic staff members with tenure-track appointments to submit Annual Information Forms and supporting documentation
Deadline for academic staff members to file notice of appeal with URFA of the non-renewal of a tenure-track appointment or the denial of tenure
Deadline for academic staff members on leave to withdraw a request for review by notifying the Dean in writing
Deadline to apply for a sabbatical in the ensuing academic year
Deadline for Dean or equivalent to notify academic staff members of decision about their sabbatical application
Deadline for academic staff members to cancel a sabbatical that has already been granted