Policies and Forms

The Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee is respon­si­ble for approv­ing all poli­cies asso­ci­at­ed with the Uni­ver­si­ty of Regi­na Fac­ul­ty Association.

URFA forms include forms for trav­el advances, travel/​accommodation expens­es asso­ci­at­ed with conference/​meetings, etc. and gen­er­al expense claims. Claims, along with required receipts, should be sub­mit­ted to the URFA office with­in two weeks of trav­el, etc. Expens­es will be reim­bursed by URFA with­in a max­i­mum peri­od of three weeks upon receipt of the claim.

Below you will find URFA’s poli­cies and forms for:

  • CAUT Defence Fund Direc­tor Appoint­ment Policy
  • Con­fer­ence and Del­e­gate Expec­ta­tion Sup­port Policy
  • Emer­gency Fund Policy
  • Security/​Confidentiality of Elec­tron­ic Vot­ing Procedures
  • Ses­sion­al Hon­o­rar­i­um Policy
  • Ses­sion­al Pro­fes­sion­al Devel­op­ment Fund Policy
  • Sol­i­dar­i­ty Fund Policy
  • Spe­cial Fund­ing Request Guidelines
  • Trav­el Policy
    • Trav­el Autho­riza­tion Request Form (before travel)
    • Trav­el Expense Claim Form (after travel)
  • Oth­er Forms
    • Gen­er­al Expense Claim Form

CAUT Defence Fund Direc­tor Appoint­ment Policy

As of 2023, URFA is enti­tled to appoint three direc­tors of their choice to the CAUT Defence Fund to rep­re­sent URFA in the CAUT Defence Fund Mem­ber meet­ing and to serve as Direc­tors to the Fund in the CAUT Defence Fund Director’s meet­ings. Direc­tors for the CAUT Defence Fund serve for a term of two years. Terms expire in alter­nat­ing years. 

This pol­i­cy will pro­vide guid­ance for URFA’s selec­tion of URFA Direc­tors to the CAUT Defence Fund. 

CAUT Defence Fund Director Appointment Policy (updated July 2024) (246 KB)

Con­fer­ence and Del­e­gate Expec­ta­tion Sup­port Policy

This pol­i­cy encour­ages mem­bers to rep­re­sent URFA, and our mem­ber­ship, by out­lin­ing the con­di­tions under which fund­ing may be received to enable atten­dance at con­fer­ences, and oth­er such events, rel­e­vant to URFA’s man­date, con­sti­tu­tion, vision and goals.

URFA encour­ages our mem­bers to rep­re­sent the asso­ci­a­tion, and our mem­bers, at local, provin­cial, nation­al and inter­na­tion­al labour meet­ings to: 

  1. present the Association’s, and our mem­bers, interests;
  2. to devel­op skills or learn knowl­edge that serves the asso­ci­a­tion and/​or our members; 
  3. to share with oth­ers in URFA’s com­mu­ni­ty the skills and knowl­edge learned, and
  4. rarely, to sup­port mem­bers in their pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment, to the extent that such oppor­tu­ni­ties also align with i) or ii) above.

Please click below to read the full policy.

Conference and Delegate Expectation Support Policy (230 KB)

Conference and Delegation Report Form (42 KB)

Emer­gency Fund Policy

The Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee estab­lished the URFA Mem­ber Emer­gency Fund to sup­port mem­bers who have emer­gency cir­cum­stances due to the sud­den loss or decline in remu­ner­a­tion from Cam­pi­on Col­lege, First Nations Uni­ver­si­ty of Cana­da, Luther Col­lege or the Uni­ver­si­ty of Regina.

URFA Emergency Fund Policy (updated October 2023) (172 KB)

Security/​Confidentiality of Elec­tron­ic Vot­ing Procedures

As of Sep­tem­ber 13, 2021, the pro­ce­dures relat­ed to secu­ri­ty and con­fi­den­tial­i­ty of elec­tron­ic vot­ing are now locat­ed in the mem­ber por­tal. Log in to the mem­ber por­tal. Con­tact us if you need assis­tance log­ging in.

Ses­sion­al Hon­o­rar­i­um Policy

In recog­ni­tion of the role ses­sion­als play in sup­port­ing the asso­ci­a­tion and its goals, ses­sion­als elect­ed as mem­bers of URFA stand­ing com­mit­tees and/​or approved to attend events as URFA rep­re­sen­ta­tives receive stipends/​honorariums. In order to receive pay­ment under this pol­i­cy a Ses­sion­al Hon­o­rar­i­um Claim Form must be com­plet­ed and sub­mit­ted to URFA.

Sessional Honorarium Rates & Procedures (131 KB)

Sessional Honorarium Claim Form (5 KB)

Sessional Honorarium Provincial Tax Form (192 KB)

Sessional Honorarium Federal Tax Form (158 KB)

Sessional Authorization for Direct Bank Deposit Form (111 KB)

Ses­sion­al Pro­fes­sion­al Devel­op­ment Fund Policy

There is fund­ing avail­able across all four employ­ers, how­ev­er it is admin­is­tered dif­fer­ent­ly depend­ing on bar­gain­ing unit.

URFA awards funds to assist Uni­ver­si­ty of Regi­na ses­sion­al aca­d­e­m­ic staff mem­bers with pri­or­i­ty sta­tus, as well as Cam­pi­on Col­lege ses­sion­al aca­d­e­m­ic staff mem­bers, with costs asso­ci­at­ed with cre­ative, schol­ar­ly and pro­fes­sion­al works. Accept­able expens­es may include reg­is­tra­tion, trav­el, pub­li­ca­tions fees, or dis­ci­pline spe­cif­ic equivalents. 

Please note that these funds are avail­able only for U of R ses­sion­al aca­d­e­m­ic staff mem­bers with pri­or­i­ty sta­tus or ses­sion­als at Cam­pi­on Col­lege. Those who are Uni­ver­si­ty of Regi­na ses­sion­al aca­d­e­m­ic staff mem­bers who do not have pri­or­i­ty, or who are ses­sion­al mem­bers in oth­er bar­gain­ing units, are unable to apply for these funds. 

Note: Ses­sion­als at Cam­pi­on Col­lege do not need pri­or­i­ty in order to apply for this fund. All ses­sion­al aca­d­e­m­ic staff mem­bers at Cam­pi­on Col­lege are wel­come to apply for ses­sion­al pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment funds. 

Appli­ca­tions may be made by sub­mit­ting a com­plet­ed appli­ca­tion form to the URFA office. Appli­ca­tion dead­lines are April 1, Sep­tem­ber 1 and Decem­ber 1. Late sub­mis­sions will not be accept­ed, and will not be includ­ed in the next fund dis­tri­b­u­tion peri­od unless you re-sub­mit your application. 

Sessional Professional Development Fund Policy (541 KB)

Sessional Professional Development Fund Application Form (394 KB)

For ses­sion­als at Luther Col­lege, $480 per ses­sion­al per year is avail­able. You must have pri­or­i­ty to apply. This fund­ing is han­dled via the Dean of Luther Col­lege’s office — please con­tact their office for more information.

For ses­sion­als at First Nations Uni­ver­si­ty, a fund of $5000 is avail­able. You must have pre-offer sta­tus to apply. This fund­ing is han­dled via the VP Aca­d­e­m­ic — please con­tact their office for more information.

Sol­i­dar­i­ty Fund Policy

As of Sep­tem­ber 13, 2021, the Sol­i­dar­i­ty Fund Pol­i­cy is now locat­ed in the mem­ber por­tal. Log in to the mem­ber por­tal. Con­tact us if you need assis­tance log­ging in.

Spe­cial Fund­ing Request Guidelines

Spe­cial requests for fund­ing from URFA mem­bers or URFA mem­ber groups shall be reviewed and pre­sent­ed to the Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee at a reg­u­lar­ly sched­uled busi­ness meet­ing (held monthly).

For the Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee to deter­mine whether to fund a spe­cial fund­ing request, indi­vid­u­als or groups request­ing fund­ing shall pro­vide a for­mal request let­ter to the URFA office at URFA.​Financial@​uregina.​ca a min­i­mum of 8 weeks pri­or to the event.

Special Funding Request Guidelines and Procedures (129 KB)

Trav­el Policy

In accor­dance with the Con­fer­ence and Del­e­gate Expec­ta­tion Sup­port Pol­i­cy, and the COPE 397 Col­lec­tive Agree­ment, this pol­i­cy out­lines the respon­si­bil­i­ties of URFA regard­ing the costs of mem­ber and staff trav­el to Con­fer­ences, Con­ven­tions and oth­er Pro­fes­sion­al Devel­op­ment events iden­ti­fied as URFA business.

URFA Travel Policy (last updated 2022) (244 KB)

Travel Authorization Request (before travel) (36 KB)

Travel and Accommodation Expense Claim Form (after travel) (36 KB)

Oth­er Forms

URFA General Expense Claim Form (6 KB)