Membership and Dues
How do I become a member?
All full-time and part-time employees, other than those excluded by the certification orders from the Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board, are automatically members of the local (URFA), the provincial (SAUT) and national (CAUT) associations. Membership and payment of fees is mandatory and comprised of all those covered by a collective agreement between the University of Regina Faculty Association and any one of: Campion College, the First Nations University of Canada, Luther College and the University of Regina.
What are the benefits of being an URFA member?
The benefits you are entitled to as an URFA member are the result of decades of negotiations on behalf of URFA members. The biggest difference between a unionized and a non-unionized workplace is negotiated collective agreements versus the exclusive use of employer policies. Negotiated collective agreements set out your salary and benefits and establish mechanisms to deal with day-to-day issues in the workplace.
URFA’s negotiated collective agreements help to ensure:
- A safe and healthy workplace
- Fair wages and benefits
- Job security
- Dignity and respect for all members
- Equity and fairness
- Opportunities for professional development and career advancement
How much are dues?
URFA is member-funded through the payment of dues at a rate decided by the membership.
The amount of union dues you pay is based on your salary. Dues are paid monthly at a rate of 1.35% of each member’s monthly salary, which includes all stipends and supplements.
Union dues are tax deductible and provide all members with a range of benefits, including:
- Assistance when dealing with workplace-related issues, questions, concerns, appeals and grievances
- Negotiating collective agreements to ensure that members get the best possible salaries and benefits
- Lobbying for improvements to your workplace
- Communications to raise the profile and awareness of URFA and the work that its members do
- Membership in affiliate organizations including the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) and the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour
- Access to other URFA services including notary public and member emergency fund (see Emergency Fund Policy)
How can URFA help me?
Our team of member services officers are here to help you with:
- Workplace complaints and grievances
- Representation in meetings between yourself and the employer
- Resolving member conflicts
- Assistance with workplace accommodations
- Member appeals
- Providing guidance and advice for performance reviews
- Providing guidance, advice and support during workplace investigations
- Assistance with return to work following a leave
If you’d like to speak with one of our Member Services Officers, send our office an email anytime.